Town of Oyster Bay Chabad Headquarters was founded to offer the growing Jewish population in the Town of Oyster Bay a warm and vibrant Jewish community life. Since its inception, it has founded another three branches, two in the north of the Town of Oyster Bay and one in the South. 

TOBC is open to all Jews regardless of affiliation or prior background. We believe every Jew has the right to experience the warmth of traditional Judaism in a fun, exciting, relevant and non-judgmental atmosphere.

Our Rabbi

Our spiritual leader , Rabbi Shmuel Lipszyc, is a dynamic and energetic Rabbi, who has an impressive past in Jewish community development.

Rabbi Lipszyc is involved with all the families on a personal level, whether in simchas – happy occasions, such as Brit, baby- namings, Bar /Bat mitzvahs or G‑d forbid a loss, the Rabbi is always available to guide, support, comfort and encourage at all stages.    

Hebrew School

Our Hebrew School lives up to the highest standards, on par with the secular education of a school district that is from the best in the country. A creative, memorable and fun-filled environment with a top notch curriculum in Jewish history, Hebrew reading, holidays and Jewish customs are paramount to sharing the beauty of Judaism to our children. No more schlepping and nagging to go to Hebrew school. The children are always looking forward to come on their own. We guarantee that, and proudly extend that promise to every child that attends Hebrew school.

TOBC offers a variety of programs throughout the year including Adult education, Jewish women's Programs, synagogue services, Shabbatons etc.

Please feel free to call if you need more information regarding any of our activities. 516-682-0404 or email [email protected]