Study Torah in your office, home or on the phone

Study Judaism -

Your Choice, Your Turf, Your Level

If you would like to learn more about your heritage, faith and history, you should set aside time for educational Torah study. The Lubavitcher Rebbe teaches that the word Torah means direction and illumination, however, if you can't make it to the class, we'll bring the class to you. Simply tell us what you'd like to study and we'll have a capable educator visit you to pursue the Jewish subject of your choice. Whether it's Aleph Bet, Talmud, the weekly Torah Portion, or Kabbalah - you name it and we'll make arrangements to have it taught in your office, home or on the phone. A Mitzvah means a connection. Isn't it time you get connected? 
We'll bring the class to you. Simply tell us what you'd like to study and we’ll visit you to pursue the Jewish subject of your choice. Whether it's Aleph Bet, Talmud, the weekly Torah Portion, or Kabbalah - you name it and we'll make arrangements to have it taught in your office, home or on the phone. 

So the classes are all at the wrong times. Or you want to study something specific. Or you feel that the classes are on a higher level/lower level than you are. No problem! 

Would you like to study at your office one-on-one? Many businesses are putting us up to the challange. Let us know what you'd like to learn, when, and where, and we'll set something up!

Here are some ideas:

  • Chumash (Bible) studies - basic and in depth

  • Talmud analysis - basic and in depth

  • Prayer

  • Chassidic Discourses

  • Tanya

  • Basic Jewish Law

  • Code of Jewish Law in text

  • Maimonides' texts

  • Jewish philosophy

  • Anything!

For more information call us at: 516-682-0404 or email at [email protected] and we'll get back to you right away. We're looking forward to learning with you!