TOB Chabad Presents "Sushi Chef In The Sukkah" (and Pizza too!) Thursday October 4th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM, at Town Of Oyster Bay Chabad  

All are invited to participate in the sushi fest, while engaging in the  special mitzvoth of Sukkot, including shaking a Lulav and Etrog, and eating in a kosher Sukkah. Please note that shaking the lulav and etrog will only be available until 6:30 PM.
Free of charge by online RSVP only! At the door $8 pp             

Graciously sponsored by Larry and Rhonda Kurzweil. Additional Sponsors welcome!

Click here to view photo gallery from last year #2 #3

Sushi Chef and Pizza in the Sukkah Registration

* Required field

First Name*
Last Name*
Zip Code*
Phone Number*
Email Address*

I would like to be a sponsor for the amount of (if $0 write 0)

Card Type


Security Code
Card Number
Expiration Date


I would like to reserve for a total  of *  (Parents and Children)  

*First  Name *Last  Name


 Looking forward to seeing you!