Speakers and Entertainers:


jacobson.jpgRabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson, editor-in-chief of the largest Yiddish-English weekly The Algemeiner Journal, is one of the most sought after speakers in the Jewish world today. He serves as the spiritual leader of congregation Bais Shmuel in Brooklyn, and is the dean of www.TheYeshiva.net, teaching via the web the largest Torah classes in the world today, with tens of thousands of students globally. He is the first rabbi to have given the keynote to all of the 4,000 US military chaplains, and the 34,000 employees of the National Security Agency.


Sara Esther Crispe is the creator and editor of the women’s site www.TheJewishWoman.org, a project of www.chabad.org where she is a featured writer. Additionally, she is a well-known lecturer and leading speaker of women’s issues. She has spoken across America, as well as Europe, Canada and South America. Known for her clear and direct approach, she is able to take current and provocative issues and make them meaningful and personal to audiences of various backgrounds. Sara Esther and her husband were the founders and directors of Torat Chesed: The Institute for Advanced Learning for Jewish Women in Jerusalem, Israel. She has her BA from the University of California, San Diego in Literature/Writing and studied for her Master’s at Brooklyn College in Literary Theory where she was a lecturer of Composition. Her first book, I Used to be the Perfect Mother...Then I Had Kids is in the process of being published. She lives with her husband and four beautiful children in Merion, PA. 

Chana Leah, born in Panama as Jacqueline,was raised in a non-Jewish home. She was an accomplished child prodigy in the field of music. She played and sang at numerous musical events throughout Latin America.
As a teenager her parents sent her to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to learn new music styles and to further develop her natural talent to play by ear, improvise and compose. Jacqueline was already asking questions about beliefs, and religion. Soon after marriage in 1987 to her husband, Marco Polo Nunez, who was raised in a Christian evangelical home, she realized that she and her husband shared a deep spiritual connection and a common pursuit: that of finding the purest form of Truth in their quest to connect to G‑d.

Chana Leah's presentation is a fascinating story about an individual who had a heartfelt and deep desire to live a life serving G‑d in the truest sense and through Divine Providence,came to the doors of Judaism in 1998.

Her story is complimented by original music compositions filled with content hat express her emotions, her experiences and her gratitude.

Chana Leah, works as a professional Coach and Mentor and lives with her family in New York. She is a charismatic and talented speaker and performer who connects with her audiences.

Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe is a renowned scholar, author and lecturer. A profound thinker, he has written and lectured on the Judaic perspective of contemporary, legal, scientific and social issues.

Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe,  is Permanent Scholar-in-Residence to Chabad at Harvard, and Dean of the Institute of American and Talmudic Law in New York, NY. Rabbi Yaffe has lectured and led seminars throughout North America, as well as in Europe and South Africa.


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL $340 per person, prepaid before February 7th 2011
excluding hotel accommodation.

Hotel accommodations
$55 per night double occupancy
$110 per night single occupancy

After Feb 7th $375 per person, for the full weekend package
excluding hotel accommodation.

Full program and meals begin Friday March 4th, 2011, 10:00 am
Food will be available for those arriving Thursday night and early Friday morning.

Transportation from Crown Heights leaving Friday Morning, returning
Sunday Afternoon, will be available by reservation only. 

According to hotel regulations only 2 shabbos candles in glass holders will be allowed
for each woman attending the convention, which will be provided.
This is acceptable according to halachah.  ______________________________________________________________________

Hotel: The Crowne Plaza Hotel, 801 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick, RI 02886

(401) 732-6000   click here for driving directions  and here for transportation options 

MapThe hotel is a few minutes from the Providence (PVD) TF Green Airport 
and about 75 minutes from Boston Logan Airport.

The hotel provides free shuttle service from the Providence Airport.
Please call 401-732-6000 to request the free shuttle or you may go to
the Airport help desk in the baggage claim area to call the shuttle service.

Please note that Shabbat candle lighting time in RI for March 4th is 5:19pm 
Driving time may vary based on traffic. Please leave ample time for travel.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

7:00 – 9:00pm


Welcome and Light Supper


11:00pm – 1:00am


Swimming & Fitness Room

Friday, March 4th

8:00 11:30am


Newport Sightseeing: Touro Synagogue;

Newport Mansion Tour, nominal fee (see registration form)


10:00 – 12:00pm




12:00 – 2:00pm


Welcome and Luncheon

Chairperson / Welcome to RI
Mrs Michla Laufer, Co-Director Chabad of RI

My Family’s Connection to Chabad
Dr. Ludmilla Gorkin

Speaker TBA

Musical presentation
Mrs. Debbie Waldman, Providence RI

New Jem Video Presentation


2:00 – 3:00pm


Spa Menu


3:30 – 4:30pm


Preparation for Shabbat


4:30 – 4:50pm


Choice of mini-workshops




Candle Lighting and Mincha

Shabbat begins at 5:17 pm

5:40 – 6:00pm


Maintaining My Judiasm on Campus

Alexa Gladstone

6:10 6:45pm


Kaballat Shabbat Welcoming the Sabbath

7:00 9:00pm


Kiddush and Shabbat Dinner

Shabbat melodies

Personal Story  
Bracha Stuart – Journey of Teshuva

Keynote Address:
The Jewish Leap Year –
A Double Measure of Opportunity and Joy

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Jacobson

9:30 10:30pm


Chassidic Farbrengen
Getting In Touch With Your Inner Essence


Shabbat, March 5th

8:00 8:30am


Shabbos Mevorchim – Reciting Tehillim/ Psalms


8:30 9:30am


Parshat Pekudei: A Deeper Look at the Weekly Torah Portion

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Jacobson


10:00 – 12:00pm


Choice of Shacharit Services:

v Beginner’s Services
Chani Laufer, Shlucha To Brown University

v Minyan Services

12:30 – 2:30pm


Kiddush and Shabbat Luncheon 

Everybody Should Be Counted
Parshas Shekalim: “Everyone Passing by to be Counted Must Give Half a Shekel… Ki Sisa 30:13

Speaker TBA

Shabbat Singing



Choice of Sessions


4:00 – 5:00pm


Mincha and Seuda Shlishit Buffet


5:00 – 6:00pm


Ask Your Questions and Let the Rabbis Answer




Havdalah – Farewell to the Shabbat


7:00 – 8:00pm


Gala Mitzvah Fair


Shabbat Evening, March 5th



Melave Malka Dinner

A Letter of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Rabbi Yehoshu Laufer, Director, Chabad of Rhode Island

Greetings from the East Bay Community

Mrs. Sandra Oster

Keynote Address: Rabbi Yossef Yitzchock Jacobson
“The World Will Be Filled With The Knowledge of Hashem,
Like The Waters Cover The Ocean Bed” Isaiah 11:9

"ומלאה הארץ דעה את ה' כמים לים מכסים" (ישעי' י"א, ט

 Singing and Dancing with Chana Leah Nunez

11:00pm- 1:00am


Swimming & Fitness Room


Sunday, March 6th




8:00 9:00am




8:00 9:30am


Hot Buffet breakfast


9:00 – 12:00pm


Shop the Boutiques


9:30 – 10:30am


Choice of Workshops:

v The Living Waters – Mikvah

vFinding The Kosher Recipe for Shidduchim: 
How to network and use the right ingredients in your search for the perfect marriage partner. An interactive discussion, based on Torah sources, explaining a proven successful strategy for parents and singles to find the right match. – Elana Bergovoy, Co-Founder and Director, Chicago Shidduch Group and the International Lubavitch Shidduch Group Network 

v Keeping Kosher in the Home – Food That Satisfies Body and Soul – Mrs. Rivie Feldman

10:45 – 11:45am


Choice of Workshops:

v What is Love? A Kabbalistic Understanding
Sarah Ester Crispe

v Parenting
Dina Gorkin

v “...And you shall write them upon the doorpost and upon your gates” Take a peek inside a mezuzah
Rabbi Yossi Laufer, Scribe of Sefer Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzah


12:30 – 4:00pm


Grand Banquet

Chairwoman – Mrs. Shoshana Laufer 

Susan Leech Deblasio, Esq

Vice Chair of the Jewish Alliance of Greater RI (Federation)

 Bnos Chabad Representative

Message from The National Council of N’shei Ubnos Chabad
Rivie Feldman, Brooklyn, NY

Roll Call – Saluting Women from around the Globe

Musical Interlude
Mrs. Judie Tenenbaum – Providence RI

Keynote Address – Sara Esther Crispe
Purim: The Women’s Pivotal Role in the
Redemption of the Jewish People

Singing and Dancing with Simcha Sounds
Chana Leah Nunes and Moshe Nunes

Finale – Taking Our Inspiration Home